
“Piano Girl” in Berlin. Her melodies are magic and an inspiration to creativity.

A warm fall afternoon, very unusual for late September in Berlin, I witnessed the friendship that emerged from this journalist and an extraordinary artist, capable of the utmost beautiful melodies, those that come from the angels.  The music that Robin composes is heavenly and gets through one soul making it peaceful and tranquil.  I now share with you this beautiful interview and magnificent concert.

Robin Meloy Goldsby, is a composer, pianist and writer. She was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but since 1994 she lives in Cologne, Germany with her husband, John Goldsby (jazz bassist) and her two children of 18 and 15 years old.

I was lucky to meet her through the “Berlin International Women’s Club” (BIWC), Robin was the guest of honor for a small concert in the Steinway-Haus, a magic place with more than one hundred years of history related to international piano players. Her tight schedule only allowed us to have her in the city for a few hours, no more than twelve. I volunteered to pick her up at the airport, so I could share with this “Piano Girl” more time and enriched my recently created blog with her story.

Around 2.30 pm we arrived to the Steinway-Haus for the sound proof tests. Took a look at my watch and for my surprise I still had four long hours before Robin’s performance. I decided to relax and sit at the front row to enjoy the artist that I had in front of my eyes, I was not emotionally prepared to witness the incredible transformation of a professional pianist, the expression in her eyes, the movement of her hands and the passion that she transmitted in every key stroke, made my body shivered all across my spine. I did not want to interrupt her with my questions so I decided to leave her in her “habitat”. Robin is a very charismatic person with a great sense of humor, but when her fingers touch the keys of a piano, the outside world losses its brightness and there is no better refugee for her than hiding into the keynotes of her own melodies.
A cup of tea and a walk by the City.
Before retiring to get ready for her upcoming concert that night, Robin asked me to take her for a walk around Berlin, to take a breath of fresh air and relax a little. The day couldn’t be better, clear sky, smooth breeze and a very fresh temperature of 21 degrees. There is no doubt that when you truly want something the universe conspires in your favour. We walked, we laughed, and our fashion taste coincided in a very sexy and modern white dress showcased in a trendy boutique. “A design just perfect for a skinny girl like you” she said before sitting down for a snack in a Hindu style Café.

When did your romance with the piano started?
When I was 9 years old, which is a little bit late for this kind of instrument. Thankfully my father’s presence being a musician influenced in my education. Then, my private teacher helped me discover the beauty of different styles like the classics, modern, jazz, etc.
Robin studied in Chatham College, in 1980 moved to New York to give recitals in the great hotels of the city, like The Grand Hyatt, The Plaza, The Pierre, The Waldorf Astoria and the Sheraton Centre. She spent seven years captivating the New York audiences in the prestigious Hotel Marriot Marquis. Her unique and particular style is the secret for her success.
How many hours a day you require for practice in order to maintain your professional level?
When I am working in a certain project or when I have programmed a concert I dedicate two hours a day, but if I do not have any recital scheduled I just have fun playing one or half an hour a day.

Besides being a pianist, you compose and write, since when?
I started writing back in 1994, right after settling in Cologne with my husband and two children. We used to live in New York, but John’s work (jazz bassist) brought us to Germany, he is a member of the “Westdeutscher Rundfunk Big Band” (Big Band Radio of Cologne).
In Cologne, very different from Berlin, most people do not speak English and I felt the need to communicate in my own language. My husband works most of the time and my children go to school, that is why I started to write stories about the experiences that changed my life, in order to keep me busy in my spare time.

In her last book, “Waltz of the Asparagus People”, Robin tells what meant for her going to a sauna in Cologne for the first time. “I've always been a big fan of the sauna. A good sauna can relax you, clean your head and made your skin look great”, her first chapter “Naked” starts.What is anecdotic about this story, is that in Germany all saunas are mixed and nudist, and nobody would dare to stare at someone else’s body. Everybody walks and talks without any complexes or taboos, even if this means crossing paths with one’s neighbor, boss or in law.

What are the things that inspire you?
Meet new people, visit friends and new places. Every person has an extraordinary life, its only about paying attention to recognize and value it.
Her second album, “Twilight” features songs that inspired Robin like “One Woman's Journey” (about her trip to Europe), “The light in Julia's Eyes” (about her daughter’s birth), “When Stars Dance” (romances),“Miss you most of all”, (about the solitude of living overseas).

Which countries of Latin America have you visited?
A couple of years ago I was in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I had the chance to meet Joyce Moreno, he is a well known and recognized composer and Brazilian singer. We worked together the album Slow Music and we were nominated to the Latin Grammy in 2010.

I would like to say thank you to Robin for the wonderful afternoon we spent together in Berlin. I really appreciated the company with you. Vielen Dank!

Somewhere in Time 
Songs from the Castle

Waltz of the Asparagus People (English version and German)
Rhythm (Novel)
Piano Girl 
Webpage: www.goldsby.de

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